What Is The BEST Relationship Advice Maya Angelou Has Ever Given?

Hey, sexy people!

When it comes to great advice, most people know that you’ll get some of the best relationship advice from Maya Angelou. And while we’re all familiar with her advice to Oprah, “When people show you who they are, believe them,” we often leave out the most important advice she includes with that. So, in this podcast episode I not only discuss, in depth, what is believed to be the best relationship advice Maya Angelou has ever given on the topic; but I also discuss how it pairs well with the best advice Dr. Angelou, HERSELF, believes she has ever given. So, tune in to move on from bad relationships, and get the advice you need to have a great relationship today!


And please don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to listen weekly, and rate and review, (or like), to show support!

Questions or comments? Feel free to reach out on socials to connect!

Podcast YouTube channel: @TashaCaufieldPodcast

Podcast Twitter: @xoTashaCaufield

Podcast Instagram: @TashaCaufieldPodcast

How To Be Friends With Your EX

Hey sexy people!

Wondering if it’s a good idea to be friends with your ex boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse after a breakup?  Well, if you find yourself stilling wanting to hang out with your ex, but aren’t sure HOW to be friends with an ex, this podcast episode is for you!  In it, I not only discuss the benefits and downsides of staying friends with an ex, but HOW TO be friends with your ex when you feel like it is, indeed, a good idea for both of you.


Please don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to listen weekly, and rate and review, (or like), to show support!

Questions or comments? Feel free to reach out on socials to connect!

Podcast YouTube channel: @TashaCaufieldPodcast

Podcast Twitter: @xoTashaCaufield

Podcast Instagram: @TashaCaufieldPodcast

How To Get The Love You Want And Make A Relationship LAST

Hey sexy people!

Welcome to the first post from my new podcast!

Tired of failed relationships and not getting the love you want?  Wondering how to have a good relationship and make a relationship last?  Well, if so, look no further!  In this podcast episode I discuss how I finally came to experience unconditional love; and compare and contrast Harville Hendrix and Helen Hunt’s Imago Therapy as laid out in their books “Getting the Love You Want” and “Keeping the Love You Find,” with Abraham Hick’s “Secret to a Wonderful Relationship” using Law of Attraction principles.  


Please don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to listen weekly, and rate and review, (or like), to show support!

Questions or comments? Feel free to reach out on socials to connect!

Podcast YouTube channel: @TashaCaufieldPodcast

Podcast Twitter: @xoTashaCaufield

Podcast Instagram: @TashaCaufieldPodcast

How to Have a GOOD Relationship with Men POST Domestic Violence (ft. Iyanla Vanzant & Elizabeth Gilbert)

Hey sexy people!

Here’s something special for you from MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL!… Are you dating, or in a relationship, but worried your abusive background is getting in the way? Confused on how to have a good relationship when you have trauma from past domestic violence? Well, in this video one of my favorite teachers, Iyanla Vanzant, talks with Elizabeth Gilbert on how to break your family pathology of abuse and get past your issues with men.

Enjoy! And don’t forget to subscribe for more support!

For more on this topic check out Iyanla Vanzant’s book, “Peace from Broken Pieces,” as well as the full interview on Elizabeth Gilbert’s YouTube Channel.

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For my story check out “The Care and Feeding of Sex Symbols” here

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“Dear Megan” Home Page

Note: As this column is designed to be a judgement-free zone, only those who have been, (or know someone who has been), in a similar situation are invited to comment; especially if the question is unorthodox or hard for one to relate to.  And for even more relevant insight, those seeking answers are always encouraged to go within.

40 Online Dating Mistakes Every Guy Should Avoid

This one’s for the wolves, (aka fellas), ladies! 😉

Sick and tired of online dating? Fed up with getting ignored online, or ghosted, trying to figure out “what women want” or “how to get the girl?” Well, in reviewing six different websites on common online dating mistakes men make, I’ve compiled a list of FORTY things that turn women off online so that you can figure out what exactly may be standing in your way of finding love via online dating. Enjoy!

For my story check out “The Care and Feeding of Sex Symbols” here

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“Dear Megan” Home Page

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Note: As this column is designed to be a judgement-free zone, only those who have been, (or know someone who has been), in a similar situation are invited to comment; especially if the question is unorthodox or hard for one to relate to.  And for even more relevant insight, those seeking answers are always encouraged to go within.

How to Know if Someone is ‘The One’


Dear Megan,

How do you know if someone is “The One?”  This one guy I know keeps coming back from time to time, and I can’t stop thinking about him.  I hear old songs and am reminded of him, and after every breakup with other guys I go back to thinking of him.

 Are there signs if someone is the person you’re meant to be with forever? Like, will his name just keep coming up?  Or maybe your family and their family get along?  Or is all that just a coincidence.


-Looking For My “Neo”



Dear “Looking For My ‘Neo,’”

As the saying goes, people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime; and by the sound of it, you’ve been exposed to enough purely seasonal and “reasonal” people that you’re ready for your “lifetime” person already, lol…  Your “soulmate…”  “The One…”  But you’re confused.  How are you supposed to know who this mysterious bastard is when you come across him so that you don’t eff things up! Well, good question.  I’ll tell you on my deathbed after I’ve lived a lifetime and have had concrete proof.  Haha, j/k.  Let’s get into it.

To begin with, I first want to clarify that there’s not only nothing wrong with the “reason and season” people who temporarily come into your life to offer you life lessons, but they’re just as essential in helping you grow into the person you want to be as the Lifetime person.  Consequently, all three types of people are “The One” for you, some are just it for a shorter time.

But I get it, many of us want “The One” one.  Someone we can grow with AND grow old with.  That person who knows and loves us so deeply over decades of time that we not only don’t have to keep explaining ourselves to new people, but we end up belonging to a beautiful relationship that can’t help but create an atmosphere for unconditional love to thrive.

Gives me “lady wood” just thinking about it.

So, we meet people, get excited, and wonder, is this “The One” that I can spend the rest of my life with?  Is this “The One” I can (and should) settle down with, have fun with, share my secrets with, grow with, heal with, and in some cases, (if you like to wait), sleep with?

Well, whether you end up getting this information from a pastor like Bishop TD Jakes who said, “What left me couldn’t stay, and what stayed couldn’t leave me,” or relationship expert, Tracy McMillan, who reminded us in her book, Why You’re Not Married… Yet, that if a man leaves he’s not your man, or even life experience, the simple truth is that the only way to know if someone is the one for you is…  drumroll please… if they stay!

Anyone else who comes into your life was simply a reason or season person, but the person who stays is THE ONE.  Like, THEE ONE.

Now, if you don’t like “The One,” or the relationship you have with this persistent S.O.B, you might want to become a new “one,” (aka person), so that you can attract a better match.  You know, the whole to find a soulmate you must mate with your soul first principle.  This means you need to take some time to get in touch with who really are, and what you really want deep down, so that you attract what’s harmonious with your deepest desires.

In that case you’ll want to sit down, go quiet, and get back in touch with how you want to FEEL in a relationship.  Getting in touch with what feels good, (not what looks good), will cause you to exude different “good-feeling” energy and consequently act differently, which will cause you to attract different things.

If that person that you were involved with is still a match to what you really want deep down, you guys will be able to work through whatever differences you guys have and live to “fight another day.”  If not, he’ll simply become another reason or season person, leaving you in a position to then attract a more harmonious AND peaceful relationship in your life.

So, for now, you can rest assured knowing that, in the end, time is the only thing that tells the truth, and “The One” will reveal himself to you in it.  In the meantime, with whoever you find yourself attracted to, give it time.  Get to know the person and let them know you.  The real you.  If they’re truly for you they’ll stick with you through both your pleasant sides and also your not-so-pleasant sides.  And remember, you can’t F*ck things up with “The One.”  That’s what makes them “The One.” Best of luck!

-Megan 🙂

For my story check out “The Care and Feeding of Sex Symbols” here

To submit your question to “Dear Megan” click here!

“Dear Megan” Home Page

To Subscribe to my YouTube channel click here!

Note: As this column is designed to be a judgement-free zone, only those who have been, (or know someone who has been), in a similar situation are invited to comment; especially if the question is unorthodox or hard for one to relate to.  And for even more relevant insight, those seeking answers are always encouraged to go within.


How to Finally Let Go and Move On!


Moving on thumbnail
Sometimes you just gotta do it…

Hey there, sexy ladies and gents!

Boy, have I got some BIG news for you!!…  In case the featured YouTube “thumbnail” picture didn’t give it away, I’m expanding “Dear Megan” to include the new YouTube channel I’m starting!  (But don’t worry, I’ll still be taking and answering questions here.)

In honor of this expansion, I’ve decided to make my first video all about tackling the often difficult and terrifying act of MOVING ON.

So, if you’ve been wanting to move on from something you’ve found extremely hard to let go of – like an unsatisfactory job or career, a bad romantic relationship, a flaky friend, or even a financially-generous-but-cock-blocking “older male friend” (he he) – I  highly recommend you check out this video.

In it I discuss what to do after you’ve had enough of the place you’ve outgrown, how to deal with being outside of your comfort zone, and the secret to finding yourself in the place you ultimately want to be.

So, check out the video below.  And if it helps you in any way, please make sure to LIKE/THUMBS UP the video, and hit the SUBSCRIBE button and notification bell to be notified of both “Dear Megan” and similar, but non-“Dear Megan” content.

Thanks.  And, as always, best of luck!

-Megan 🙂



To subscribe to my YouTube channel click here!

For my story check out “The Care and Feeding of Sex Symbols” here

To submit your question to “Dear Megan” click here!

“Dear Megan” Home Page

Note: As this column is designed to be a judgement-free zone, only those who have been, (or know someone who has been), in a similar situation are invited to comment; especially if the question is unorthodox or hard for one to relate to.  And for even more relevant insight, those seeking answers are always encouraged to go within.

The MAJOR mistake most people make when dating


Dear Megan,

(Like the previous girl who wrote in), I too, was cheated on with escorts. I didn’t talk to him for a couple of months, but he never stopped texting, emailing, sending flowers, etc… When I saw him again he had lost, like, 30 pounds, and looked completely devastated.

In an effort to regain my trust, he gave me a clone phone, put cameras in his house, started going to meetings, therapists, church, he now wants to convert to my religious beliefs, (even though I never asked him to), and he even proposed.

I do believe he is truly remorseful for all the pain he caused, and I even started trusting him a little. Then I caught him LYING about porn and it all went down the toilet.

Am I just wasting my time here? Can people REALLY change that much?


-Fool Me Once…


Dear “Fool Me Once…”

Goodness, me! What the heck are you doing over there to turn “sinners” into “saints” like THAT?! Lol… (Inquiring priests wanna know, haha…)

But in all seriousness, I love this question. It not only allows me to expound upon my last answer, but it gives me a chance to address the MAJOR mistake I see most people make when dating. So, let’s get to it.

Picking up where I left off last time, let’s say you’ve done the work. You got clear on how you want to feel in a relationship, stayed focused on your vision, and, as a result, you attracted a man who was compatible with that vision.

Now, the guy who seemingly was a match is “cutting up,” and instead of getting the man of your dreams you feel like all you’re getting are trust issues.

However! [*Index finger raised*] You remember that no one is perfect, and reflect back on what I shared with you in “The Secret to a Wonderful Relationship.

You also remember Harville Hendrix’ assertion within that article that “the best one can hope for, (in someone they have chemistry with), is to find someone who is aware of his or her problems and willing to do, with you, the hard work necessary to heal.” (Keeping the Love You Find, pg. 131)

BUT! [*You argue again*] there’s a BIG difference between someone’s willingness and desire to change, and their capacity to change… And now that’s got you wondering if all of your boyfriend’s/fiancé’s efforts to show you that he truly is “your guy” are Real Deal Holyfield changes, of if you’re just wasting your time.

Well, I’ve got good news and bad news.

The “bad news” is that an individual’s capacity to change can only be revealed in time. The “good news” is that – (God-willing) – you’ve got time! (Knock on wood).

And this brings me to the MAJOR mistake I see most people make when dating: They make a commitment BEFORE they have a great relationship.

Happy and healthy relationships require time to (1) allow you to see what you’re consistently getting, (2) grow in trust, and (3) get to a place where you both feel completely safe and secure enough to go “all in.”

And outside of marriage, there’s absolutely NO obligation to enter, or stay, in a relationship you’re not pleased with.

So, feel free to take a step back from committing, (or recommitting), to a relationship you’re unsure of, regain your focus on your vision for the relationship that you desire, (as described in my last answer), and allow time to tell you if a person is someone you truly should commit, (or recommit), to.

When you approach a relationship in this low-pressure, let’s-see-if-we’re-truly-compatible-first way, you not only create the opportunity to lay the strong, friendship-first foundation necessary for a great relationship; but you don’t have to worry about wasting your time because you’re still free to live your best life while discovering if the other person is a match to your deepest desires, (opposed to someone you just want to be).

So, “Fool Me Once,” if this relationship has any long-term romantic potential return to the basics. Focus on creating a great (friendship-based) relationship FIRST, while you let your other friend, Father Time, show you if this guy really can be the consistent and trustworthy man of your dreams. It will go a long way in letting you know if you should, in fact, eventually “say yes to the dress.” Best of luck.

-Megan 🙂

For my story check out “The Care and Feeding of Sex Symbols” here

To submit your question to “Dear Megan” click here!

“Dear Megan” Home Page

To Subscribe to my YouTube channel click here!

Note: As this column is designed to be a judgement-free zone, only those who have been, (or know someone who has been), in a similar situation are invited to comment; especially if the question is unorthodox or hard for one to relate to.  And for even more relevant insight, those seeking answers are always encouraged to go within.



Argh! My boyfriend got black-out drunk and ‘may’ have cheated… Help!

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Because sometimes only YOU can help you.

Dear Megan,

This morning my boyfriend of a little bit over a year confessed that he believes he had sex with a stripper in a foreign country. He is in the military and is currently deployed.

He said he went out drinking with some friends and that they went to a strip club. He said he was drinking so much that he blacked out and thinks that he might have cheated.

He keeps saying how incredibly sorry he is, how much he loves me, and that he will do anything to make this right. He is supposed to come home soon, leave the military, and move to where I am.

We have talked about getting married. He even popped the question on more than one occasion. I was fully convinced that he is the one. I planned our life together.

I feel so dead inside, and I have no idea what to do. Please help.




Dear “Hopeless,”

Oy, if your boyfriend is telling you he might’ve cheated on you, he’s probably got some receipts – whether they’re sore genitals, Vietnam war-esc flashbacks, or friends high-fiving him and saying, “I can’t believe you hooked up with that stripper!” – that he did, in fact, go all the way.

But enough about him, let’s talk about you, and this “Hopeless” alias you gave yourself.

To begin with, you’re the first person to give themselves an alias, (thanks for saving me the trouble of having to think of one, btw), and interestingly enough the first part of the solution to your problem can be found in your self-description: Hopeless.

Although his “potential” act of cheating may have triggered some pain in you, (pain caused by you experiencing the exact opposite of what you want), the prolonged suffering you now feel is a result of you thinking that when it comes to love and relationships you are hopeless and helpless in the creation of what you want.

But just as you dreamt up a beautiful man that would be honest with you, even when he didn’t have to, the creation of the loving relationship you want doesn’t have to stop there.

In the game of love and life, don’t take score too soon.

Instead of using his “potential” act of infidelity to mean that you’re hopeless and helpless when it comes to matters of the heart, remember that relationships are vehicles for growth, and reclaim your creative power in manifesting the lover of your dreams.

Disappointments happen.  Especially when you ask people to do something they’re incapable of doing, which is to consistently put your wants and needs ahead of their own.  But once you allow yourself to feel the pain of that disappointment, (as you are growing and being stretched beyond your comfort zone during it), it’s time to ask the question, “What am I to get out of this experience,” and re-embrace your creative power.

To do so, first realize that you don’t have to make a decision right this second, or anytime soon for that matter, no matter what plans you two have made.  If this guy is serious about doing whatever it takes to make things work with you, he’ll wait for you to take however much time you need to make the decision that’s best for you.

Then you’ll want to do, well, everything I told this girl to do in this article on cheating.  (Hey, I’m not lazy, I’m just on energy saving mode.  Anybody with me! High five! Lol…)

Once you’re fully tuned into the updated, new relationship this incident has caused you to dream up, (which could take days, weeks, or months, depending on how open you are to receiving it), you’ll find that your current boyfriend is either a match to it, or a mismatch. 

When you see or talk to him, you’ll either want to welcome him with open arms, believing that you can still have your new dream with him; or you’ll want to say, “Thanks for the lessons, but I’ve decided to move on and wish you nothing but the best.”

Any indecisiveness means that you still haven’t embraced the new dream and vision of what you want, which is fine as it takes time to catch up to who you’ve evolved into.  However, if you want to navigate this time in your life with as little drama as possible I suggest you don’t take any action before you’re clear, open, and available to receive the new relationship that this incident has put in your heart.

So best of luck, and keep on dreamin’ on.

-Megan 🙂

For my story check out “The Care and Feeding of Sex Symbols” here

To submit your question to “Dear Megan” click here!

“Dear Megan” Home Page

To Subscribe to my YouTube channel click here!

Note: As this column is designed to be a judgement-free zone, only those who have been, (or know someone who has been), in a similar situation are invited to comment; especially if the question is unorthodox or hard for one to relate to.  And for even more relevant insight, those seeking answers are always encouraged to go within.


Did sex on the first date ruin my chances of a long-term relationship?

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Dear Megan,

Sex on the first date. Is that a terrible idea? If I did that, (I did), will it ruin my chances of this guy seeing me as long-term potential?

I feel grossed out that I did it. And his interest seems waning. Afterwards, he did ask if I wanted to join him at a party he originally told me about the next night. I wasn’t free to go and he hasn’t put much effort into texting me since. He’s very attractive, and I wonder if I’m not attractive enough for him, or if I was just too easy to sleep with.

Right now I feel terrible. Unattractive, easy, and cheap.  I want to dig a hole and hide inside it.

Please help!

Sincerely yours,

-First Date Floozy


Dear “First Date Floozy,”

Wow…  Dare I touch “sex on the first date” with a ten-foot pole? Or should I just use a ten-inch one and see if you can handle it, you saucy little minx.  Hahaha. BOOOMMMM!!!!  Just kidding… I couldn’t resist. (That’s what she said.)  Okay, last one.  But, seriously, let’s everybody calm down, take a deep breath, grab some wine, and pull up a chair, because when it comes to sex things are about to get a whole lot easier…

To begin with, let me just say that I’ve known some fantastic couples who slept together on the first date and have been happily together – (keyword: “happily”) – for over twenty-five years.  I’ve also known some couples who have been together for just as long but did not.  So, as far as I’m concerned, sleeping together on the first date does NOT ruin the potential for a long-term relationship.

BUT, can it be a terrible idea?

Well, sometimes…

Sex is a terrible idea one time, and one time only: when you know doing it won’t bring you joy.

(Well, technically, I should probably add when you don’t take the proper precautions when it comes to protection… You’re welcome, Planned Parenthood.)

And how will you know for sure when sex won’t bring you joy?  Why, the same way you came to know everything else you know in life, my dear: Experience.

“In life I’ve had to figure out – on my own terms – what works and what doesn’t.  And I’ve have years of practice.” –Drew Barrymore

While most of us don’t have a crystal ball that will tell us if a connection will last forever, (regardless of whether we wait three dates, three weeks, three months, or three years to sleep with a person), we all have an emotional guidance system that will let us know when it’s time to have sex.  But, the only way to tap into this mysterious “know-it-all” machine is to first get out and live.

Allow yourself to have experiences that create contrast – (i.e. “Things that feel good” vs “Things that feel bad”).  And spoiler alert: life will sort of take care of this one on its own…  Whether we want it to or not. (Sad face.)

Then, you’ll want to spend some time alone sifting through the emotional data you’ve collected from said experiences and reflect.

(Mmmm….  Namaste… )

Your natural desire to feel good will help you define what it is that you want from the experiences you’ve had, (i.e. reveal your authentic self), as well as help you create boundaries against any distractions from you living your best life.

And, last but not least, you’ll want to turn around and care soooo much about how you feel that you’ll decide to only do more of what feels good and less of what feels bad.

The self-discipline involved in the last step can be tough at first, but it’s absolutely crucial in honing your skill in quickly, (and eventually effortlessly), following your emotional guidance system’s “yellow brick road” of positive feelings. For every time you honor the emotional data you’ve collected from your experiences, and stick to what feels good, you’ll be rewarded with something else that feels even better.  And that, my friend, is what will allow you to establish the trust you need in your emotional GPS system to handle situations like the one you were in like a Jedi, instead of a Regretful Randy. (Which is a term I just made up… and am pretty proud of).

Right now it’s impossible for you to know just yet whether sex on the first date is appropriate for you because – (follow me now) – you’ve blocked off your ability to properly digest what the information a sexual experience like this has to offer you by getting caught up in the (false) beliefs that: (1) you should already know how an experience will make you feel before you experience it, and (2) that that there’s an appropriate time for you to have sex that can be dictated by someone other than you and your experiences. (Whew!)

Consequently, the negative emotions you’re currently feeling, doll, isn’t due to your emotional guidance system agreeing with you that you’ve done something wrong, it’s due to your emotional guidance system letting you know that there is no joy for you in adopting someone else’s opinion on what you do, or don’t do, with your vagina. 

Relief in this moment will come when you accept the fact that you’re on a journey to learn what works for you; and THEN, and only then, will you be free to receive the insight you seek from what your experiences have to offer you.

This insight will let you know under which circumstances having sex will feel good.  It will let you know what needs to be in place mentally, spiritually, and emotionally for you to get your emotional guidance system’s “it’s safe” signal and gleefully get your freak on.

And, finally, if you want long-term potential with someone who will accept you for you, the answer, again, lies in you getting comfortable “doing you.” (No pun intended…  Or is it… He he he.)  That means that your authentic match will respect you and your desire to have sex whenever the hell you want to.  Not when society deems it appropriate.

The right guy for you will be okay with whatever circumstances you enjoy having sex under.  Those circumstances could be created right away, take longer, or vary.  It all depends on you, and how you feel. 

So, until then, keep sifting and sorting through life and getting to know yourself; and best of luck giving a f*ck, or not giving a f*ck, along the way.

-Megan 🙂

For my story check out “The Care and Feeding of Sex Symbols” here

To submit your question to “Dear Megan” click here!

“Dear Megan” Home Page

To Subscribe to my YouTube channel click here!

Note: As this column is designed to be a judgement-free zone, only those who have been, (or know someone who has been), in a similar situation are invited to comment; especially if the question is unorthodox or hard for one to relate to.  And for even more relevant insight, those seeking answers are always encouraged to go within.